Difference in height:
Start point:
Brixen (Hotel Krone)
Arrival point:
Brixen (Hotel Krone)
A tour on different ground surface which changes often. First uphill and then a short downhill to Villnöss/Funes. Then another uphill to the alpine pasture Geisler and at the end a long downhill until Brixen/Bressanone, but before you should enjoy the beautiful panorama at the foot of the Odle peaks.
Starting from the Hotel Krone in Brixen/Bressanone towards east, cross the river Rienz and follow gravel road no. 9 to Albeins/Albes. On the town road alongside the Aferer river following the red-white sign and uphill the Aferer valley. At Schmied, follow the gravel road no. 10 until the parking area (Fistil Boden). Then right along the road, cross the Russis bridge, then left on gravel road no. 11. At the next intersection the fi rst right and then go on left and follow trail no. 32 to St. Magdalena. Go on straight on the town road, cross the river Villnöss and turn left towards the parking area. Continue on gravel road no. 28 and turn left, at the second intersection follow no. 34. Uphill to the alpine pasture Geisler / Gschnagenhardt at 1.996 m. Continue on trail Adolf Munkel and follow sign no. 35. Take the second trail on the right and follow the gravel road no. 28 to the parking area. Continue on road no. 27 to St. Peter. Then left following sign no. 11 towards Teis/Tiso. Downhill on trail no. 9 (in part on asphalt / in part on gravel road), following the trail from Albeins/Albes until the starting point Brixen/Bressanone.
General tour data:
Mountain bike-area: Naz e Dolomiti
Diffi culty grade: strong
Itinerary length: 56,8 km
Height difference: 2090 m
Travel time: 5 h
Riding technique Uphill: medium
Riding technique Downhill: medium